School Term Dates
This data shows recommended School Term Dates for the current and next school year. Lincolnshire County Council sets the term dates for all community and voluntary-controlled... -
Children in Low Income Families
This dataset shows official annual experimental statistics for numbers and percentages of Children age under 16 living in Relative and Absolute low income families, by Local... -
Education Attainment: Key Stage 4
This data shows Education Attainment at Key Stage 4. Numbers and percentages of pupils attaining at Key Stage 4 are shown by gender. Points to be aware of: • In 2016-2017,... -
Education Attainment: Key Stage 2
This data shows Education Attainment at Key Stage 2. Numbers and percentages of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing, and mathematics are shown by gender.... -
Education Attainment: Foundation, Phonics, and Key Stage 1
This data shows Education Attainment, at Early Years Foundation Stage, Year 1 Phonics assessments, and Key Stage 1 teacher assessments. Numbers and percentages of pupils are... -
Lincolnshire Schools
This dataset contains information about open Lincolnshire schools. It includes details about the schools' governance, phase, intake and location. The data is updated monthly to... -
Childrens Centres
Dataset showing details of Childrens Centres in Lincolnshire. This dataset is published by Lincolnshire County Council. -
Children in Care
The number of Children In Care at 31 March in the financial year, for Lincolnshire and by District. This dataset shows the number of: Children In Need Children In Care by Home... -
School Capacity Projections
This data shows Actual and Projected Pupil Numbers and Capacity of Schools by local authority district. 'Actual' figures provided are based on October school census data for... -
Young People's Situation Post-School Age
This dataset shows Young People's Situation Post-School Age in Lincolnshire. The data shows numbers of Young People of academic Ages 16 and 17 by their situation group. Total... -
Road Traffic Casualties
This dataset shows numbers of people Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) in Road Traffic Collisions by calendar year for Lincolnshire and districts. The dataset shows: Numbers... -
Road Traffic Collisions and Casualties
This dataset shows annual numbers of road traffic Collisions causing Casualties. It shows the numbers of resulting Casualties split into categories of injury levels, or death.... -
School Admissions
This dataset shows school admissions, number of places offered for a given intake year at each school at annual National Offer Day (01 March - Secondary, and 16 April -... -
School Pupils Number on Roll
This dataset shows School Pupils Number on Roll (NOR) in Lincolnshire schools. Numbers of Pupils are shown by School and by School Phase, and by Age and National Curriculum... -
School Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
This dataset shows numbers and percentages of pupils on roll in Lincolnshire schools who have Special Educational Needs (SEN). Indicators are included to show whether the... -
School Pupils Numbers on Roll, and Free School Meals
This dataset shows: • Pupil Numbers on Roll (NOR) in Lincolnshire schools. NOR is the total number of pupils on school rolls. • Pupils receiving Free School Meals, numbers... -
School Pupils Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) or with English as an Additiona...
This dataset contains two distinct sets of data. One shows School Pupils Black and Minority Ethnicity (BME), and the other one shows School Pupils with English as an Additional... -
Indices of Deprivation
The Indices of Deprivation are published nationally by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG). These are the official indicators of deprivation. As...