Education Attainment: Foundation, Phonics, and Key Stage 1

This data shows Education Attainment, at Early Years Foundation Stage, Year 1 Phonics assessments, and Key Stage 1 teacher assessments. Numbers and percentages of pupils are shown by gender. A brief outline of the attainment levels:

• A Good level of Development at Foundation Stage means children achieving at least the expected level within the following areas of learning: communication and language; physical development; personal, social and emotional development; literacy; and mathematics.

• Year 1 Phonics attainment is based on the percentage of pupils meeting the standard of the Phonics decoding screening check. • Key Stage 1 attainment is based on the percentage of pupils achieving the expected standard or above in each of Reading, Writing and Maths Teacher Assessments.

• Key Stage 1 attainment is not available in 2024 as this has now become non-statutory and optional. Data has been included up until 2023.

More information about the Early Years Foundation Stage and Primary Key Stage 1 curriculums is available on the Department for Education (DfE) School Curriculum website; a link to that is included along with the dataset.

Data is included for Wards, Lower Super Output Areas (LSOA), Districts, and Lincolnshire. The data has been aggregated based on pupil postcode and only includes those pupils living and educated within Lincolnshire. If you want Lincolnshire and District aggregations based on those pupils that are educated within Lincolnshire, irrespective of where they live; then please see the Department for Education Statistics website and School Performance Tables (links to these included as Resources accompanying these datasets).

Data is suppressed where appropriate 5 persons and below (this may be shown by missing data). That and any unmatched postcodes may mean numbers for small areas might not add up exactly to figures shown for larger areas.

This data is updated annually. Data source: Lincolnshire County Council, Performance Services – Schools Performance.

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Please note:

Foundation Stage Profile

National data for Early Years Foundation Stage Profile results are published via: – GOV.UK (

There have been changes to the Foundation Stage Profile even though the overall measure of “Good Level of Development” appears to be the same. The DfE offer the following phrase via the above link:

“This is the third publication since the 2021/22 EYFS reforms were introduced in September 2021. As part of those reforms, the EYFS profile was significantly revised. It is therefore not possible to directly compare 2023/24, 2022/23 & 2021/22 assessment outcomes with earlier years. The 2019/20 and 2020/21 data collections were cancelled due to coronavirus (COVID-19).”

Further details on the changes to the early years foundation stage (EYFS) framework can be found via the following link: - GOV.UK (

Phonics and Key Stage 1

National data for Phonics and Key Stage 1 results are published via: – GOV.UK (

It is worth noting that there have been drops in attainment seen nationally. The DfE offer the following commentary via the link above:

“These are the third phonics screening check and second key stage 1 attainment statistics since 2019, after assessments were cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic. These statistics cover the attainment of year 1 and year 2 pupils who took these assessments in summer 2024 (phonics) or summer 2023 (key stage 1). These pupils experienced disruption to their learning during the pandemic.”

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Source Lincolnshire County Council Schools Performance
Last Updated March 13, 2025, 07:46 (UTC)
Created December 20, 2017, 15:43 (UTC)