School Pupils Number on Roll

This dataset shows School Pupils Number on Roll (NOR) in Lincolnshire schools. Numbers of Pupils are shown by School and by School Phase, and by Age and National Curriculum Year.

The dataset covers current and main pupils on the roll of schools in Lincolnshire. Pupil numbers are allocated to local authority district areas based on the geographical location of school.

Points to be aware of:

• Sixth form pupils who now attend consortia Sixth forms must be recorded as a subsidiary pupil at the school they receive education at and as a Main (Dual registered) pupil with the school that holds their registration details.

• FTE means the full time equivalent numbers of pupils in attendance. For example, a class of 20 nursery children attending either mornings or afternoons only (half days) would count as 10 FTE. Note the FTE for Primary Schools includes Nursery Pupils

Data is from the Schools Census and shows a snapshot in May. It is updated annually.

Data source: Lincolnshire County Council Childrens Services.

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Last Updated March 13, 2024, 10:49 AM (UTC+00:00)
Created January 30, 2018, 11:01 AM (UTC+00:00)