Parking Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)
This dataset shows the Penalty Charge Notices (PCN's) issued in on-street parking areas throughout Lincolnshire. To view our interactive maps, press the "Explore" button and... -
Deaths from All Causes
This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75), numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. All-Cause Mortality rates are a summary indicator of population health... -
Deaths from Respiratory Disease
This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75) from Respiratory Disease, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year range. Smoking is the major cause of chronic obstructive... -
Children in Care
The number of Children In Care at 31 March in the financial year, for Lincolnshire and by District. This dataset shows the number of: Children In Need Children In Care by Home... -
School Capacity Projections
This data shows Actual and Projected Pupil Numbers and Capacity of Schools by local authority district. 'Actual' figures provided are based on October school census data for... -
Deaths from All Cancers
This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75) from all Cancers, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. Cancers are a major cause of premature deaths.... -
Trade Union Facility Time
This dataset published by Lincolnshire County Council shows Trade Union facility time. It shows numbers of Trade Union representatives and estimates of spending on Trade... -
Road Traffic Casualties
This dataset shows numbers of people Killed or Seriously Injured (KSI) in Road Traffic Collisions by calendar year for Lincolnshire and districts. The dataset shows: Numbers... -
Road Traffic Collisions and Casualties
This dataset shows annual numbers of road traffic Collisions causing Casualties. It shows the numbers of resulting Casualties split into categories of injury levels, or death.... -
Live Births
Live Births registered annually in Lincolnshire and Districts. The figures are shown as a Number and also as a Rate per 1000 women age 15-44 (inclusive), which is called the... -
School Admissions
This dataset shows school admissions, number of places offered for a given intake year at each school at annual National Offer Day (01 March - Secondary, and 16 April -... -
Education Attainment: Key Stage 4
This data shows Education Attainment at Key Stage 4. Numbers and percentages of pupils attaining at Key Stage 4 are shown by gender. Points to be aware of: • In 2016-2017,... -
Education Attainment: Key Stage 2
This data shows Education Attainment at Key Stage 2. Numbers and percentages of pupils reaching the expected standard in reading, writing, and mathematics are shown by gender.... -
Education Attainment: Foundation, Phonics, and Key Stage 1
This data shows Education Attainment, at Early Years Foundation Stage, Year 1 Phonics assessments, and Key Stage 1 teacher assessments. Numbers and percentages of pupils are... -
House Prices
Average monthly House Prices (£) for Lincolnshire and Districts. The data shows prices for the following House types: All Houses, Detached, Semi-detached, Terraced, and... -
School Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
This dataset shows numbers and percentages of pupils on roll in Lincolnshire schools who have Special Educational Needs (SEN). Indicators are included to show whether the... -
School Pupils Numbers on Roll, and Free School Meals
This dataset shows: • Pupil Numbers on Roll (NOR) in Lincolnshire schools. NOR is the total number of pupils on school rolls. • Pupils receiving Free School Meals, numbers... -
School Pupils Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) or with English as an Additiona...
This dataset contains two distinct sets of data. One shows School Pupils Black and Minority Ethnicity (BME), and the other one shows School Pupils with English as an Additional... -
Emergency Hospital Admissions for Hip Fractures (age 65 and over)
This dataset shows Emergency Hospital Admissions for fractured neck of femur, for persons Age 65 and over by Gender. The data source (Office for Health Improvement and... -
Household Waste and Recycling
Household Waste Collected and Recycling rates. The dataset shows annual (financial year) figures for Local Authority Districts and Lincolnshire. The data shows the quantity (kg)... -
Life Expectancy
Life expectancy is a summary measure of the all-cause mortality rates in an area in a given period. It shows an estimate of the average number of years a newborn baby would... -
Excess Winter Deaths
The Excess Winter Mortality Index (EWD Index) shows excess winter deaths as a Percentage Ratio of the number of deaths expected in the (eight) warmer months either side of... -
Deaths from Suicide
This data shows deaths (of people age 10 and over) from Suicide and Undetermined Injury, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. Suicide is a significant cause... -
Tourism - Visitors to Attractions
This dataset shows how many people visited Attractions in Lincolnshire by calendar year. Visitor numbers for a wide range of attractions are shown, along with other key... -
Adult Smoking Prevalence
This data shows the percentage of adults (age 18 and over) who are current smokers. Smoking is the single biggest cause of preventable death and illnesses, and big inequalities...