Gross Value Added (GVA)

Gross Value Added measures the value generated in the production of goods and services. It is one measure of overall economic performance.

This dataset shows Gross Value Added at current basic prices (which include the effects of inflation), in Pounds (£). The measure shown is Balanced GVA, that is GVA(B).

The data shows the total annual GVA(B) figure in billions of pounds, and then as pounds per head. Another figure is also included in the dataset, showing GVA(B) in pounds per head as a percentage of the equivalent UK figure.

The most recent year's data is normally provisional, with finalised data being shown in the next year's update. Data that is provisional is indicated within the dataset. Historical data is subject to revision.

This data is updated annually. For more information about the GVA(B) data and its methodology, please refer to the source link to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

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Last Updated March 4, 2025, 13:16 (UTC)
Created June 1, 2017, 14:47 (UTC)
ONS: GVA data