
  • Councillors' Details

    This dataset shows the contact details of the Councillors in Lincolnshire. This data is provided by the Lincolnshire County Council Democratic Services team. This is a snapshot...
  • Monuments

    This data shows records of Archaeological and Historical Sites and Monuments within the area covered by the modern county of Lincolnshire, and has been extracted from the...
  • Young People's Situation Post-School Age

    This dataset shows Young People's Situation Post-School Age in Lincolnshire. The data shows numbers of Young People of academic Ages 16 and 17 by their situation group. Total...
  • Education Attainment: Foundation, Phonics, and Key Stage 1

    This data shows Education Attainment, at Early Years Foundation Stage, Year 1 Phonics assessments, and Key Stage 1 teacher assessments. Numbers and percentages of pupils are...
  • House Prices

    Average monthly House Prices (£) for Lincolnshire and Districts. The data shows prices for the following House types: All Houses, Detached, Semi-detached, Terraced, and...
  • Election Results

    This dataset shows results of elections for County Councillors in Lincolnshire County Council elections. The details shown include voting results and turnout for each Electoral...
  • Members Allowances

    This dataset shows Members Allowances. The dataset shows the allowances paid to elected and co-opted members of Lincolnshire County Council in the financial year. Details of...