Election Results

This dataset shows results of elections for County Councillors in Lincolnshire County Council elections. The details shown include voting results and turnout for each Electoral Division.

Please note electoral divisions and their boundaries may be subject to changes over time. This dataset contains data for electoral divisions as they exist at the time of a county election.

This data is provided by the Lincolnshire County Council Democratic Services team. This dataset is updated after each County Election.

For any enquiries about this dataset please contact DemocraticServices@lincolnshire.gov.uk

Daten und Ressourcen

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Feld Wert
Quelle https://www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/council-business/elections
Autor Lincolnshire County Council Democratic Services
Zuletzt aktualisiert 13. März. 2024, 10:56 (UTC)
Erstellt 21. Februar. 2018, 13:54 (UTC)