Lincolnshire Schools
This dataset contains information about open Lincolnshire schools. It includes details about the schools' governance, phase, intake and location. The data is updated monthly to... -
Lincolnshire County Council Spending
These Open Data files show payments made by Lincolnshire County Council to suppliers each month, where the combined value of an invoice is over £500. In situations where the... -
House Prices
Average monthly House Prices (£) for Lincolnshire and Districts. The data shows prices for the following House types: All Houses, Detached, Semi-detached, Terraced, and... -
Parking Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)
This dataset shows the Penalty Charge Notices (PCN's) issued in on-street parking areas throughout Lincolnshire. To view our interactive maps, press the "Explore" button and... -
Childrens Centres
Dataset showing details of Childrens Centres in Lincolnshire. This dataset is published by Lincolnshire County Council. -
Average Rainfall and Temperature
Average Rainfall (mm) and average Temperature (centigrade) for the North East England and East England Met Office Climate district, which includes Lincolnshire. This dataset... -
Emergency Hospital Admissions for Intentional Self-Harm (all ages)
Mental health and well-being is an important aspect of public health. Self-harm is an expression of personal distress. There is a significant and persistent risk of future... -
Employment by Broad Industrial Group
This data uses a national employer survey to show numbers and percentages of people employed in jobs in industries in each broad industrial group. Data is shown for... -
Emergency Hospital Admissions for Falls (Age 65 and over)
Falls are a major cause of Emergency Hospital Admissions for Older People, and lead to many moving from home into residential care. The highest risk of falls is in people aged... -
Adult Smoking Prevalence
This data shows the percentage of adults (age 18 and over) who are current smokers. Smoking is the single biggest cause of preventable death and illnesses, and big inequalities... -
Deaths from Suicide
This data shows deaths (of people age 10 and over) from Suicide and Undetermined Injury, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. Suicide is a significant cause... -
Deaths from Cardiovascular Disease
This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75) from Cardiovascular Disease, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. Cardiovascular Disease include heart... -
Deaths from Liver Disease
This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75) from Liver Disease, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. Most liver disease is preventable and much is... -
Deaths from All Causes
This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75), numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year moving-averages. All-Cause Mortality rates are a summary indicator of population health... -
Deaths from Respiratory Disease
This data shows premature deaths (Age under 75) from Respiratory Disease, numbers and rates by gender, as 3-year range. Smoking is the major cause of chronic obstructive... -
Children in Care
The number of Children In Care at 31 March in the financial year, for Lincolnshire and by District. This dataset shows the number of: Children In Need Children In Care by Home... -
Open Datasets register
This resource shows all Open datasets available on Lincolnshire Open Data. All the Open datasets are listed with some brief key details about them (such as update schedule and... -
School Capacity Projections
This data shows Actual and Projected Pupil Numbers and Capacity of Schools by local authority district. 'Actual' figures provided are based on October school census data for... -
Registration Offices
Registration Offices in Lincolnshire have their own unique facilities and features. This dataset shows each office's location, address, and contact and booking details. Some... -
Members Allowances
This dataset shows Members Allowances. The dataset shows the allowances paid to elected and co-opted members of Lincolnshire County Council in the financial year. Details of... -
Lincolnshire Libraries
This dataset shows information about Lincolnshire Libraries. Each library's address and contact details are shown, with opening times and other data. This data covers static... -
Procurement Contracts
Existing Contracts Register for awarded contracts over £5,000. An extract of all published contract awards starting from 01 April 2017. The data names the buyer and the awarded... -
This data shows records of Archaeological and Historical Sites and Monuments within the area covered by the modern county of Lincolnshire, and has been extracted from the... -
Young People's Situation Post-School Age
This dataset shows Young People's Situation Post-School Age in Lincolnshire. The data shows numbers of Young People of academic Ages 16 and 17 by their situation group. Total... -
Councillors' Details
The dataset showing the contact details of the Councillors in Lincolnshire is no longer published on this site but a link is provided below which shows the same information. For...