School Pupils Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) or with English as an Additional Language (EAL)

This dataset contains two distinct sets of data. One shows School Pupils Black and Minority Ethnicity (BME), and the other one shows School Pupils with English as an Additional Language (EAL).

Both show the Number and Percentage of current and main pupils on the roll of Schools in Lincolnshire at a given point in the year, and include Gender breakouts. Pupils are allocated to geographical areas (such as Wards and NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups) based on home address.

BME includes pupils not either White British, White English, White Welsh, White Scottish or White Cornish.

EAL refers to pupils for whom first language has been specified and is other than English. (Pupils where language information has not been provided are not counted as EAL, eg. where parents have exercised their right to refuse to provide the information).

Figures shown in the data as ‘Out of County’ represent pupils not resident within the Lincolnshire administrative boundary. Those are included in the Lincolnshire total.

Data is suppressed where appropriate 5 persons and below (which may be shown as zero or by missing data). That and any unmatched postcodes may mean numbers for small areas might not add up exactly to figures shown for larger areas.

Data is from the Schools Census and shows a snapshot in January. It is updated annually.

Data source: Lincolnshire County Council Childrens Services. For any enquiries about this publication contact .

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Zuletzt aktualisiert 13. März. 2024, 10:45 (UTC)
Erstellt 11. April. 2017, 10:30 (UTC)