29 dataset trovati

Organizzazioni: Non Lincolnshire County Council Gruppi: All Datasets

Risultato del Filtro
  • Children in Low Income Families

    This dataset shows official annual experimental statistics for numbers and percentages of Children age under 16 living in Relative and Absolute low income families, by Local...
  • Population Mid-Year Estimates

    Population Mid-year Estimates from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). These are the official estimates of the resident population in Lincolnshire. ONS uses information...
  • Lincolnshire Boundaries

    Digital map boundaries of areas within Lincolnshire. Themes include Administrative, Electoral, Statistical, and Health. These boundary data sets are sourced from Ordnance Survey...
  • Population Projections

    Population Projections from the Office for National Statistics (ONS). These are the official projections of the future resident population in Lincolnshire. Population...
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