1. Metadata - Population by Ethnic Group

URL: https://lincolnshire.ckan.io/dataset/85b2d8a6-cf72-43ed-8960-6d550b30439f/resource/29299a8e-93c5-4649-a43c-861deeb7f9f8/download/metadata_ethnicgroup.csv

Metadata schema for Population by Ethnic Group dataset. This file contains Metadata (information about a dataset). It shows the schema for dataset fields and their contents. This file should be used along with the dataset, to aid correct interpretation of the data.


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Informazioni supplementari

Campo Valore
Ultimo aggiornamento Dicembre 2, 2022
Creato Dicembre 2, 2022
Formato CSV
Licenza UK Open Government Licence (OGL)
createdpiù di 2 anni fa
datastore activeTrue
has viewsTrue
last modifiedpiù di 2 anni fa
on same domainTrue
package id85b2d8a6-cf72-43ed-8960-6d550b30439f
revision idc7fda799-a79e-4ae3-a9ee-e80cd575c689
url typeupload