Excess Winter Deaths
Dataset for Excess Winter Deaths (all ages)
Excess Winter Deaths (Percentage Ratio of Winter compared to Non-Winter) for Lincolnshire and Districts.
Zusätzliche Informationen
Feld | Wert |
Zuletzt aktualisiert | 29. Februar 2024 |
Erstellt | 5. April 2017 |
Format | CSV |
Lizenz | UK Open Government Licence (OGL) |
created | vor über 7 Jahren |
datastore active | True |
format | CSV |
has views | True |
id | 8e09f5ee-ecdb-4e19-a3bd-fdf0bf1f247a |
last modified | Vor 12 Monaten |
on same domain | True |
package id | 4504bb7b-37f2-4806-884e-ec2d4df6a250 |
revision id | 995163d0-a1dc-4d22-b009-54c9ecda89b9 |
state | active |
url type | upload |